Introduction to Programming in Python

Introduction to Programming in Python

This course (CIS 2300) is offered at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College (CUNY). Materials are open-sourced and can be found here.

📚 Course Description

This CIS 2300 course, Programming and Computational Thinking, is intended to introduce how to use Python to program and write the basic algorithm. This course will cover fundamental principles and concepts required for problem-formulation and problem-solving, and not just programming. The goal of this course is to equip students with the basic ability to use computational principles such as iteration, abstraction, recursion, and functional decomposition. This course will introduce students to basic programming constructs such as control statements and data structures to facilitate learning of these computational principles. This is an introductory course intended for students with little or no programming background.

📅 Schedule

Please follow the official syllabus and find the folder for each week. IPython Notebook file is included in each weekly folder.

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